Nice N Easy, a division of Clairol, recently introduced 'Nice N Easy Gray Solutions' to the market to compete in the ever-growing hair color market. Many women (and men) who have gray resistant hair, have to resort to expensive salon services in order to adequately cover gray hair. The only real contender in the over-the-counter, do-it-yourself hair coloring market was (and still is in my opinion)L'Oreal, whose 'Excellence' line is designed for those of us with graying hair. I tried the Nice N Easy product recently to see how it compares and I have to say I was thoroughly disappointed. Nice N Easy's original line contains a varying range of color choices, but not so with the gray solution line. There were only a handful of choices and only three shades for blondes. I chose the medium blonde shade instead of the golden blonde for fear that it would make my hair too yellow. The gray solution requires users to do an extra step as well which is to apply what appears to be a cream solution to the hair first. This is probably to protect the hair that's not gray from the strong solution to cover the gray hair. The hair color mixture itself was the most disappointing as it was the most watery consistency I have ever seen in a hair color which made it difficult to apply without it dripping everywhere. Overall, I was not dissatisfied with the color itself, although it was slightly too dark and a bit to ashy for me (it was not labled as an ash blonde color). I added some of my own highlights to it to keep it from being to one dimensional looking so I'm happy with it for now, but I will go back to L'Oreal for the same price and a better product overall.
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