Howard K. Stern, the long-time attorney and close friend of Anna Nicole Smith, has stepped forward to announce that he and Anna Nicole are in love and that he is the father of the baby girl born shortly before Anna's son's untimely death. Howard, speaking with Larry King, also announced that the baby has been named Dannie Lynn Hope in honor of her deceased brother. They are still in mourning over the loss of Daniel and await an inquest in the Bahamas. In the meantime, the photographer who was Anna Nicole's one-time boyfriend, Larry Burkhead, still claims to be the father of the baby. Both Anna Nicole and Howard are planning on beginning a foundation in the name of Daniel Wayne Smith to honor his memory.
Howard K. Stern is soooo not the father. The baby was delivered by C-section, she did not go to full term. Therefore, his argument that it is his based on the timing is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Also, when Anna announced her pregnancy on her website, she said she was pregnant by "some guy", and said it in a way that you could tell she was NOT excited!
I know what's up.
Howard is willing to take a DNA test to prove that fact and only the DNA can prove who really is the father of this baby. Thanks for your comment.
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