Celebrity weddings and babies are always hot news, but not neccessarily in that order. First up is the news that Anna Nicole Smith and her long-time lawyer and good friend, Howard K. Stern have wed on a yacht in Blackbeard's Cay In Nassau. Surrounded by heavy security, the couple tied the knot and then celebrated by having a swim party around the boat. Anna was seen wearing a pink bikini. Anna is said to be relieved that the second autopsy confirmed that Daniel did not commit suicide inasmuch as he didn't have enough of any drug in his system to indicate that it was deliberate on his part, but rather the mix of the drugs was accidental and not intentional. She and Stern agreed to sell photos of Daniel when he first met his baby sister in his mom's hospital room the night before he died. The money from the photos will not be used to pay for his funeral as first reported in a tabliod, but rather, when the money is received it will go into a fund set up in Daniel's name........In other wedding/baby news, Amanda Peet will marry her long-time boyfriend, writer David Benioff, this weekend. She made the announcement on the David Letterman show the other night. She and her future husband are expecting their first baby next year. Peet is now starring in the new and fabulous show, "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" with Matthew Perry...............Apparently, Christina Aguilera, who is known for her sharp tongued remarks about other divas, wishes to mend her broken friendship with fellow mousketeer, Britney Spears. Apparently, she sent a lavish gift basket for Britney's new son, Sutton Pierce, to her home worth $570 with a card that read, "Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Love, Christina and Jordan". Not so long ago, Christina reportedly made a remark that Britney had "let herself go" and didn't see a comeback in the cards for Britney.
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