Fall is always a great excuse to buy clothing, but even a better excuse to buy accessories. This season offers a wide variety of shoes, boots, belts and hats, but handbags are not only a great accessory, but a necessity for most women. This season's bags are decked out with details that include buckles, studs and chains galore. The best part of this detailing is that you can get away with spending a minimum amount of money for a maximum look. Logo bags will always be in style, but are less important this season than a big (with the emphasis on big) bag with lots of bling. You can walk into any retail department store like Macy's or JC Penney and pick up a great leather-like bag for under $50. Nine West, Liz Claiborne and Bisou Bisou are favorites of mine that are not only fashion forward, but practical and won't cost you the arm you hang your bag from. By the way, here's a little known secret about how much your bag should weigh.....no more than two pounds. If your bag is starting to weigh you down too much, you will start to feel the pain and no doubt will be tilting too much to one side. A bag that's too heavy can throw your gait off and send you running to the nearest chiropractor. Go through your handbag periodically and remove anything that's weighing it down too much (like loose change). Lighten your load and you'll feel much better and no doubt, standing a little straighter.
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