Your Best Credit Card Choices
Having one child who will be going to college in the Fall, and a husband who is self-employed, finding the best credit card option is really imperative. For my son, who will be living away from home beginning in September of this year, I want him to be as independent as humanly possible. In an attempt to get him to stop relying on us, we really want him to handle his own finances as much as possible. My husband and I have always had credit cards, but over the years, there have been increasingly more choices in terms of what credit cards will work best for our financial situation, our credit status and our every changing way of life. Navigating all this information can be very tricky, but I found a website dedicated to everything you every wanted to know about credit cards . Here, I was able to find an article specifically relating to the necessity of college student's need for a credit card for specific purposes like emergencies. I found the article to be the most informative on the subject and it just validated my feelings about his need for a credit card and helped me decide what kind he should have. What I really like about this website is that it addresses the needs of everyone, including business owners who are looking for a business credit card. Again, there is some very specific information about various business credit cards that helped us make a choice inasmuch as we have some balances from other cards that we would like to tranfer. The best of the bunch for our needs is Advanta credit cards which offer fifteen months with zero APR on all transfer balances and a fixed rate of 7.99% on any balance after fifteen months and on any additional purchases, plus they offer five percent cash back or travel rewards which works great for us since we will have to travel back and forth to college. I found this website to be easy to navigate, very informative for all credit card needs with various choices on a number of credit cards.
Thanks for sharing this post on your blog. It's really helpful..
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