Their Quiver Runneth Over

No doubt, you've already heard of the infamous and famous Duggar Family of Arkansas. They are devout Christians (Baptists to be more specific), but they are part of a small sect of Christians who follow the Quiverfull movement. Basically, they don't believe in any form of birth control as they believe that every child is a gift from God. Apparently, when parents Jim Bob and Michelle first got married, they did use birth control, like any other newly married couple, but when Michelle got pregnant and miscarried while using birth control, they decided that this was a sign from God to let nature take its course. Needless to say, nature has been working over time in the Duggar household and Michelle is now expecting child number 18 on New Year's Day. The newest member of the household will be a girl bearing a name that begins with the letter "J". While one is coming in, the oldest boy, Josh, recently married a fellow, home-schooled Christian girl named Anna, last month. Josh and his new wife will be hopefully fulling their home with children and will probably have their own reality series, just like Michelle and Jim Bob. While it's not the lifestyle most people would choose, one can't really pass judgment. The Duggars, both of whom are licensed real estate agents and who support their growing family, debt free, have a wonderful, seemingly normal group of children who are well spoken and very intelligent. One does have to wonder about the social aspects of their life, but the kids don't seem any worse off than any other kid who has grown up in a dysfunctional "normal" family. Frankly, I've grown quite fond of this family and was happy to see that they now have a new reality show on TLC which airs a new episode every Monday night.