The picture to your left depicts the makings of a happy family. Okay, they're not your typical family, but they were a family nonetheless.....until reality TV got a hold of them. Travis and Shanna Barker of MTV's "Meet The Barkers" are the newest casualties of the reality TV wars. Like all the other couples that have gone before them, Shanna and Travis are no more. Their divorce was recently announced shortly after the end of their second season on MTV, which featured a very pregnant Shanna. They already have a two-year old son and recently welcomed another girl (Shanna has a daughter from a previous relationship) in their family, who is now seven months old. I had little hope for Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, mostly because they were far too young to marry. Carmen and Dave were a shoe-in for a divorce (between the two of them, they've had four previous marriages). I was devistated when Kathy Griffin divorced her husband, Matt, but to her credit, she worked very hard to save her marriage. The moral of this story is don't do a reality TV show, no matter how much money they offer you. By the way, if you want to read some more great gossip, then go check out
Mrsz06 Place
thanks Susan. :)
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