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Undoubtedly, many of you have seen the infamous "blue man" on television. I have seen him make two appearances myself; one on a major network morning show and the other on "Oprah". Apparently, this man, whose skin is a freakish shade of blue, claims that he attempted to cure a medical condition by ingesting colloidal silver. Anyone who has interviewed him took him at his word, but there is more to this story that would make his claims appear to be fraudulent. Colloidal silver is a substance that is used legitimately as a dietary supplement and when used properly, would not have produced such a blue hue. However, this man made his own compound which he thought to be colloidal silver, but in fact, the homemade solution has a very high concentration of ionic silver and was not colloidal silver. The solution also contained salt and used a concentration of electrolysis which created silver chloride with large silver particles, which, in turn, created a condition called argyria. He also applied the solution topically and used a tanning bed to sustain the silver in his body. Had this man actually taken the appropriate dietary supplement known as colloidal silver, this would have never happened to him. Colloidal Silver can be purchased, already properly prepared and bottled which can be used as a dietary supplement. If this sounds like news to you, the fact is that silver has been used for centuries as a way to purify water and it has also been known to contain antibacterial agents. The moral of the story is to do your homework and know where your products are being manufactured to get the very best in quality and care. This post is sponsored by Pay Per Post.
With both Mother's Day, Father's Day and graduation day fast approaching, you may be at a loss as to what to give as the perfect gift. There are the obvious things you can choose from like gift cards, checks or savings bonds, but you can give something that is so much more personal and that's prepaid phone cards. These are great gifts for a mom who lives far away from her children. Even moms who live in the Middle East or Asia can use these cards to call her family located in the United States. Prepaid phone cards made great gifts for graduating high school students. They can use the prepaid phone cards to call home regularly so their parents can sleep at night. These prepaid phone cards make great gifts for fathers as well, especially if dad travels a lot for business purposes. The prepaid phone card will make it that much easier for him to keep in touch with the family while he's away. When you shop for prepaid phone cards online, you can get the best deals for them no matter what phone service you may be using. Now that we live in such a global community, these prepaid phone cards not only make great gifts, but they are a necessity for the thousands of people who move from other parts of the world. They can easily keep in touch with their family and friends from their home countries with convenient prepaid phone cards. Best of all, if you choose to send these prepaid phone cards as gifts, they can be easily delivered to any part of the world where you or your family lives. This post is sponsored by Pay Per Post.
If you suffer from allergies like I do, especially this time of year, than having a quality air purifier can make all the difference in the world inside your home. It is almost as essential as having running water and vastly improves the quality of your own life and the lives of your loved ones. Make sure your adequately research air purifiers though before making your final decision. It is a wise investment that you will want to last for years to come. This post is sponsored by Pay Per Post.
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