The Other Side Of Mel

Your number one stop for beauty and blogging tips, all in one fabulous blog!
Have you ever wondered how women who live in rural parts of the world manage to keep themselves beautiful without the benefit of a cosmetic counter nearby? Now you can find out in a book entitled "Passport to Beauty" by Shalini Vadhera. Shalini, who is a make-up artist and founder of Global Goddess, a make-up and skin care line, reveals how women all over the world ehance their natural beauty. For instance, in Thailand women use a mixture of coconut and rice to soften their skin while Brazilian women maintain their tans by munching on carrots and beets. Shalini traveled the world to collect both interesting and useful beauty tips. The book is available in most book stores for $14.95.
This newsletter is just to provide a run-down of everything happening tomorrow for the 2006 Blogathon!
Weekend Special Surf Ratio
One of my co-workers called me today and told me her car died. She was so upset as it happened while she was driving alone, at night, on a secluded road. Luckily she had her cell phone with her and was able to get her grandson to come get her. I told her that I had just read somewhere about an instant companion made especially for women who are nervous about driving alone at night and which is offered by a women's car insurance company called Sheilas' Wheels. Apparently, you keep the car buddy at your side, deflated, while driving, and, with the flick of a switch, you can be joined by a male passenger that will inflate instantly. Of course, this made us both laugh, but it's really a great idea. I reminded her to check shop for insurance carefully and check for auto insurance online so as to get the best deal on car insurance. She hopes it happens soon because she really hates taking the bus!
I never really got the engagement ring I really wanted when I got married. Don't get me wrong, the ring is lovely and I did pick it out myself. In order to save us money, I picked an antique diamond ring flanked by emeralds. The diamond itself was what they called "champagne", which to me meant that it wasn't a very good quality stone, but still the price was right and it was different. I rarely wear it as it is rather formal looking. I would never purchase a diamond ring at this stage of my life, but we recently came into an inheritance that included a diamond, which is to be passed on to my daughter. This is a family heirloom and apparently this is not uncommon with diamonds that are good quality. In fact the Hope diamond, which is the most famous in the world, was, according to legend, plucked from an idol in India and cursed to all who would touch it. Whether or not you believe this, this diamond has been passed around from a lot of people, including King Louis XIV. It was sold to earn money for gambling, worn to raise money for charity and finally donated to the Smithsonian Institution. Now my diamond is nothing like the Hope diamond, but still being that it is a family heirloom, I wanted it to be placed in an appropriate setting. I took it to a jeweler and looked at many diamond rings before choosing a setting that was just right for my diamond. When I do get it, I just know I'll love it. I plan on passing it on to my daughter when she gets engaged in many years from now. Of course, she'll have to wrestle me for it!
Here's a quick post about a relatively new search engine that is giving the big guns (google, yahoo and msn) a run for their money. Check out stumble upon!
Let's say you've made some fabulous money in the stock market and now you're looking to invest in other ways. The best and most profitable way is through real estate. Maybe you already own your own home or condominium, but you're looking to invest in property other ways. Nothing is better than being able to afford a vacation home. Orlando is a great place to buy a second home, whether you are doing this for personal reasons or you want to invest in a property that you can rent out so that others can have a great vacation. Orlando Luxury Real Estate is a great investment. Orlando and the surrounding areas offer a wide range of life styles for all ages which include upscale, gated communities with excellent schools, and urban lifestyle in downtown Orlando, luxury condominiums with fabulous views of the city and an exciting night life. You can also invest in an historic home located in any one of the surrounding towns, but still enjoy a wide variety of activities from the theatre to the golf course. It sounds so good I think I might have talked myself into checking it out!
Let's say you find yourself single again or forever single like the two women in my last post? What can you do to begin a life of independence without relying on the one who wears the pants to provide a life of stability? Just follow the lead of thousands of women today who don't wait for a band of gold to give them the security they've been waiting for. Instead, they create their own security by investing in real estate and the stock market. Now, more than ever, women are taking their own hard-earned money and making it work for them, instead of saving for that dream wedding and honeymoon. Besides the traditional buying and selling of stocks, I've learned something called options trading which gives you, the holder of the stock, the right to sell your stock to another investor, at a price that you set. Some investors are doing this up to twelve times a year. It's not unusual to see a return of 12% over sixty days, which works out to an astounding 72% annual return. Of course, you can make a small fortune and still meet the man of your dreams, thus allowing you to have your wedding cake and eat it too!
There was a study done recently which focused on friendship. According to this study, we have less close friends than we did twenty years ago. I suppose this study costs lots of money which probably came from some grant, but I could have told them (those who conducted the study) for free because I have less friends and so does my husband and everyone else I know. It's not that we don't have any friends......we do, but like everyone else we are too busy working at our jobs, fixing our house, schlepping our kids all over that friendships have taken a backseat. Most of the time I really don't think about it too much, but, like now during the summer months when I'm off from work, I do miss getting together with people like I did when I was younger. No one has time to hang out anymore or problem sharing is a thing of the past. I recently found out that a friend of mine (more like an acquaintance) is getting divorced. I did call her, but she never returned my call. I understand though. I'm not a close friend. That slot has already been filled by someone else and apparently, according to this study, that's all we need to share our troubles with. There was recently an article written about this in Newsday and they published a list of things to do to build friendships. Although I will share some of that with you here, I am also going to interject my own thoughts. Here are some things you can do to help build long-lasting friendships:
Who could forget the adventures of "Thema and Louise". This was one of the first action, car chase movies where the primary characters were women. What started out as a dare, turned into a nightmare for them and the movie ended with the two driving off a cliff, leaving no room whatsoever for a sequel. My friends and I always fantasize about pulling what we call a "Thelma and Louise" one day, just for fun! There would be no guns involved (we have kids!) and no dirty dives with seedy characters. We were thinkin' maybe it would be fun to just take a drive down the coast to Florida. We could get an Orlando Vacation Rental and do Disney, Universal Studios and Sea World, without kids! You have no idea how much fun that it can be, without kids! Orlando is the number one tourist destination in the country and gets more visitors each year than the State of California. There's so much to do and see and what fun it would be to be able to do all of it, without kids! Did I tell you that we're not planning on taking our husbands either?
A message from Blog Advance:
Don't you love VH-1's series of "I Love The (Fill in the Decade)"? Not too long ago, I was watching "I Love The 90's", when lo and behold I caught a blast from the past with Susan Powter. Normally, I would have uploaded an image of her, but Blogger is not cooperating t his morning, but you know who I'm talkin' about. Susan was the exercise guru who implored us to "Stop The Insanity" by ridding excess fat from our diet. I actually, just found her first book "Stop The Insanity" only the other day and remember reading it through no less than three times. I even went to one of her book signings and found her to be smaller than I imagined (isn't everyone on TV smaller in person?), but very nice and personable. Susan reached fame and made fortunes from her program and even had a short-lived talk show at one point, but it all came to a nasty end back in the mid-90's which eventually broke up her second marriage. She eventually regrouped and is still changing lives with her dynamic personality. Her last book "The Politics of Stupid" can be found on her website Susan Powter where you can purchase that as well as her yoga video. She is still as interesting and colorful as you remember, even more so now with her long multi-colored dredlocks. She will also be making an appearance on the 'Today Show' some time in August, but for more information, you can go to her website.
I confess that I found this on someone else's blog and although I would love to give the credit to that person, I can't remember whose it was. However, I found it so profound I wanted to post it on my blog. To whomever posted it first, thanks!
As a follow-up to my last post, one of the most important purchases you can make will be a diamond ring. There's no reason in the world to think that you actually have to visit a jewelry store to buy one. In fact, buying a diamond ring online, might be the best decision you could making when purchasing anengagement ring. My best advice to you would be to do the research for buying an engagement ring online. When you do, you won't believe the quality or the savings! Blog post sponsored byBlogging Ads
Did you know that August was one of the top months for weddings? It may be too late to save for a wedding that is only weeks away, but for those of you who are planning a wedding in another year or two, it's never too late to start planning and saving. Whether your are planning a wedding on a grand scale or having an intimate backyard affair, weddings can cost a bundle and send you into stress mode real fast. While you and your fiance are basking in the after glow of love, don't be blinded by that diamond. Make sure you sit down and talk realistically about what you can afford and who will pay for what. It's not unrealistic for couples to chip in now for their own wedding and that both sets of parents share expenses what with the rising cost of weddings. When polled, 37% of couples were planning on contributing to their wedding financially which is a good thing since the average wedding (150 people) will cost around $25,000 and even higher in urban areas. If you don't have that kind of cash and neither do your parents and you don't want to spend the first five years of your marriage paying off that debt, consider cutting costs whereever and whenever you can. You can easily cut costs on things like wedding favors, flowers, attendants' gifts, table linens and invitations. Don't be afraid to ask your friends for ideas too. Networking and making connections may be a really good way to cut costs on these and other things as well like the wedding dress and tuxedo rentals. If you really don't have enough money, then don't be afraid to think outside the box. You may end up with a totally unique experience fo you and your guests, while saving yourself a bundle. Whatever you do, make sure you both agree on these things so you can get your marriage off to a good start.
Where would we be without our credit cards? Like many other people, I can't imagine not having at least one credit card in my wallet at all times. There are so many times when cash will not cover a purchase, even for groceries, that a credit card comes in handy. How else would any of us be able to afford tickets to a show, a concert and, of course, a dream vacation? One thing I've learned about having a credit card though is not to come to depend on it to pay for everything. If the balance of the bill can't be paid every month, then I won't use my card. The convenience of getting a credit card has never been easier. If you want to buy anything at all like furniture, a flat-screen TV or a laptop computer, most retailers have their own cards which allow you to defer payment, without incurring interest, for up to eighteen months. Eventually, of course, you do have to pay off that bill, but at least you have the comfort of knowing you have some time to do so. More importantly, credit cards allow for things like emergency car repairs, sudden health care expenses or any other contingencies when you don't have access to your savings or checking accounts. Also, it's almost virtually impossible to rent a car or reserve a hotel room without a credit card. However, like anything else in life, you have to act responsibly!
Blogathon 2006: Stay up late, make a difference.Every year bloggers come together to participate in the Blogathon to help raise money for charity. This is NOT a BlogExplosion event, however it's a GREAT event and I would love to see every single BlogExplosion member participate this year.It's simple. It's like a walk-a-thon, except that instead of taking pledges to walk, you take pledges to stay up for 24 hours and blog. You choose the charity you will blog for, get pledges, and starting on Saturday, July 29th at 9:00am EST you will stay up for 24 hours making a post on your blog every 30 minutes.Let's all stay up late and make a difference together as a community. To that end, I will be setting up a special chat-room at the Shoutbox for all members participating in the Blogathon. I'm going to stay up late too and do a special radio show!You can find all the details and sign-up at BE Radio: 24 Hours of Blogathon fun!Most of you know me as "orange haired boy" and many of you used to read my blog. But, for various personal reasons I decided to suspend blogging for a while. I participated in the Blogathon the past few years and am even credited with choosing the unofficial blogathon theme song. (Long story). Well, this year, since I am one blog short of being a blogger, I've decided to do a radio show instead!For 24 hours, BE Radio will have full Blogathon 2006 coverage. I will be your humble DJ for a whopping 24 hours straight. There will be music, contests, announcements, give-aways, call-ins, the unofficial blogathon theme song, and lots of tips to help you stay awake!BE Radio is open to everyone - not just members of BlogExplosion. I will have special buttons made up and there will be more details in the next newsletter.I'm not doing my show for charity directly, I'm doing it for you: the bloggers. This year promises to be the best Blogathon by far!BE Radio: Thumbnails Fixed!Many of you have been afflicted with a wrong thumbnails recently and have probably wondered what's going on. Well, long story short: it's my fault and I'm in the process of fixing it now. It was impossible for me to determine which (out of the many thousands of blogs listed at BlogExplosion) had incorrect thumbnails. So, I figured that the easiest way to fix the problem was to just regenerate them all.Over the next 2 days, my computer will be doing nothing but churning out new thumbnails for every single blog, and, when it's done, I'm going up upload them all at once.What does this mean for you? Well, it means that your current thumbnail (good or bad) will be replaced by an updated thumbnail. So, in the meantime, don't bother asking the system for a new thumbnail - it won't do any good. Once all the thumbnails have been updated I'll send out another short newsletter to let you know and you'll be able to check your new thumbnails out then.So, while I'm exceedingly sorry that I screwed up the thumbnails, I'm exceedingly happy that I found and fixed the problem. :)----------------------------------------------4. New Chat RoomsIf you haven't been by the Shoutbox lately, you haven't seen all the changes we've made! Based on member feedback, we split the main chat-room into two separate chat-rooms. One is a family-friendly room and the other is an 18+ chat-room.The family-friendly chat-room is to be just that. The adult room is for everything else. Period.You will also see a new chat-room called "Survivor: BE Island". This is a special room which will be home to a new game coming soon to BlogExplosion. Stay tuned for more's gonna rock! Not a member of Blog Explosion already? No problem! Just click the icon in my sidebar and join. It only takes a few minutes to join one of the largest blogging communities on the internet.
Since I've read hundreds of blogs over the last seven months, I have come to the conclusion that what sounds good in theory doesn't always work on a computer screen. One of my pet peeves about some blogs is that the background is black. Personally, I hate the black background because I cannot read the blog, even if it sounds intriguing. Couple the black background with a small font, in any color, and chances are people are missing out on what you're writing, which is a shame. Also, unique templates are fabulous, but ones that are too ambitious, drown out the writer's thoughts and become the focal point of the blog. The same goes for too many affiliate ads. By the time you've had a chance to scan the whole page, the interest is gone and on to the next blog. So, from my own perspective of course, keep the template simple, the background light and the font big enough for everyone to read on a computer screen. I'm sure some of you will either agree or disagree, but your comments are always welcome!
I rarely make any connection to anything politcal or controversial in this blog. There are many, many blogs that deal with those issues and would do a far better job than I would ever do under the circumstances. However, when physical combat hits home, then that's another story. I know someone who is currently studying in Israel. In fact there are thousands of Americans in Israel at this very moment. There are just as many, if not more, in Lebanon right now. Innocent people are at risk because of what's going on in that part of the world, and the prospects of this localized battle widening and involving other countries, is a very real possibility. Thousands of parents are frightened out of their minds because their children are on the other side of the world either studying or vacationing or visiting relatives and they either cannot leave or are afraid to leave. I won't discuss whether or not Israel had a right to do what they did and whether or not we, as a country, should get involved in the attack on Hezbollah (afterall, it is this terrorist group that Israel is fighting and not the good people of Lebanon), but I do want to send out a prayer to all of those children today that they are returned home safely into the arms of their parents and that this battle ends as quickly as it began.
I'm not sure what driving is like in the rest of the country, but if it's anything like New York, I have to wonder why is everyone rushing? Reckless driving is due in large part, to those who exceed the speed limit and run red lights and stop signs in order to get where they're going. As a result for the need for speed, there are more and more car accidents every single day. I'm not talking abou the drunk drivers who run people over. They are in a class all they're own and shouldn't be behind the wheel of a bumper car, let alone an SUV. I'm talking about the every day fender benders that you pass on highways, expressways, and busy streets that grind traffic to a halt and cause rubber-necking for miles and miles causing everyone to be late for work. It seems that some people believe that traffic laws don't apply to them. They are the ones that are the worst offenders. Besides the obvious danger to society, I wonder how these people insure their cars. Not having care insurance or even enough coverage for damages can be the worst mistake people make when purhasing car insurance. Some car insurance companies are even offering short term insurance coverage for up to 28 days for brand new cars and for people who are traveling and borrowing someone else's car. The idea of short-term insurance coverage may begin to spread through the insurance industry at some point. The most important thing is to have the best coverage possible. You just never know when you may run into someone who is in a big hurry.
Since I often write about healthy living in my blog, I thought it would be important to include some useful information about medication. Now more than ever people are taking some kind of prescription medication and, in most cases, taking more than one at a time. I take two medications a to manage my cholesterol and another for heart palpitations. There was a time when I was on four or five at one time. I felt utterly confused and frustrated trying to find information about the medication I was taking and drug interactions with food, etc. My pharmacist was a great help to me since my primary care physician was often too busy to answer all of my questions (I no longer see that doctor). Some things I learned about prescription medication is to always make sure it is stored in a child safe bottle that has never been tampered with. I always check my medication first before I take it since I know what the pills should look like and people do make mistakes in both writing and filling the prescriptions. It's important to know ahead of time how medications react with other medications, over-the-counter drugs, vitamin supplements and certain foods. For instance, if your doctor prescribes a medication like Augmentin, it is not unreasonable for you to think that he or she has done their research before prescribing that drug. Dr. James Wood from the UAB Selma Family Residency Program has been quoted as saying that he and his staff use an on-line service called Epocrates. This online service is often used by physicians to research over 3,300 drugs, including dosing, pricing, potential drug interactions and Medicare Part D coverage to improve patient care. When a doctor goes to these lengths to make sure that a drug is appropriate to use, then you can feel secure in taking that medication. Of course, make sure that all your physicians know exactly what medications you are taking when you consult with them. Take all the medication with you at a consultation so your doctor can be well-informed when making decisions regarding your health care. Finally, don't hold on to any medication that has expired. That expiration date is there for a reason and once a medication has gone past that date, chances are it is no longer effective and may even be harmful and don't share your pills with anyone else!
Other than Christmas, summer is traditionally the time of year people entertain at home. Summer, however, offers more diversity in entertaining than any other time of the year. Most people have an outdoor setting where they can entertain that gives them more options for themes. For instance, I have a large sunroom where I often entertain. It's not heated in the winter so I prefer entertaining in the summer when I can use my sunroom. Furthermore, since it's enclosed, I don't have to worry about the weather. We have both the versatility and convenience by having an enclosed area to entertain. However, whether you have a sunroom, a deck or a swimming pool area, entertaining in the summer can be fun! You have the option of keeping it casual and doing something simple like grilling outdoors. In order to add some pizzas to your party, instead of buying paper goods, how about purchasing some great reusable plates, cups and bowls. You can get them in almost any discount store now and although they cost a few dollars more than paper goods, you can wash and reuse a number of times. Overall, you end up saving yourself money and you give your party a little more of a polished look. Also, if you are serving drinks, keep it simple. Pick only one designer drink to make instead of three or four. Offer a choice of wines and soft drinks as well. You can also offer a pitcher with tropical ice tea (the mixes are readiy available) and serve with fresh fruit. If you are serving appetizers, again keep it simple. Pick a few things to serve before your meal. You'll spend less money and have less leftovers. Finally, make sure you have enough seating for everyone. You can get some great folding chairs very inexpensively. By the way, did you know that the folding chair has a long history in furniture dating back thousands of years? Western furniture was based on four main sources originating Egyptian, Asian, Greek and Gothic sources. Luckily, the 20th century brought technological advances, which included the design of the folding chair, which will help make your summer celebration a huge success!
There are some great fashion services popping up on the internet that is allowing their customers to custom design clothes and accessories. At, you can choose from five basic styles of dresses, then pick from 300 fabric choices for standard sizes (0-24) or custom measurements. The cost of this custom dress is $189. At you can design your own handbag. There are six handbag shapes to choose from and 600 pattern and color choices. The cost will run from $150 to $350 for your custom-designed bag. Finally, there's Choose accessories from flip-flops to dog collars and custom design your own rhinestone masterpiece. Eva Longeria is said to have purchased black flip flops with a design that said "Go Spurs Go".
I'm always looking for ways to motivate myself to stay the course on my diet, until I reach my goal of losing another ten pounds. I picked up a copy of 'Prevention' magazine and here are some great tips to help you get back in touch of your goal of staying fit and healthy:
I don't understand this, but it really works!
Everyone knows who Paris Hilton is. She's the seemingly spoiled daughter of the heirs to the Hilton hotel fortune. She's become a celebrity by merely appearing in tabloids, gossip columns and reality shows. She is often pictured with her equally spoiled friends with their equally spoiled dogs, jetting from Miami to New York and back to L.A. I'm sure Paris has many wonderful qualities, but with all the publicity she has received for her secret sex tape, which is no longer a secret and her continuous relationships with other girls' boyfriends, she can hardly be called a role model for young girls and women. Enter Nancy Burpee. You probably never heard of her, but Nancy is a world class swimmer who has been competing for a number of years. What makes Nancy so special you might ask? Nancy has done all this, while suffering from a genetic disorder. Despite her disability, she has never allowed herself to be slowed by any obstacles. Even when she was disqualified from the 2004 Paralympic Games in Athens, Greece, she retained the law firm of simmons jannace & stagg to represent her in overturning the decision not to allow her to continue competing in the games. She never gave up hope of continuing her dream to swim competitively and continues to compete, most recently in the World Championship. Nancy Burpee is a true hero and role model for young girls and women all over the world!
I wanted to write a post about women purchasing automobiles. When I did some research, I found out that, to my surprise, more and more women are buying trucks. The stereotype of women buying cars, brings to mind a picture of a woman who doesn't know her way around a dealership showroom. Now, nothing could be further from the truth. More and more women are not only more and more prepared to make a purchase of an automobile on their own, but they are opting for trucks and SUVs rather than traditional cars. In fact, one survey showed that the number of women buying trucks and SUVs has doubled since the 1980s. Make no mistake, these women are truly passionate about their trucks. Automobile manufacturers have answered the prayers of many women by making trucks and SUVs more and more luxurious with each newer model. Moreover, automobile manufacutrers that never offered a line of trucks and SUVs are giving consumers, including women, more choices. Case in point would be the Cadillac Escalade, which is....well.....the Cadillac of trucks. Also, it's more likely that younger women would be open to driving a truck or SUV. Once episode of a popular reality TV show, showcased a young woman turning sixteen. Her father, who owned an automobile dealership allowed her to choose any car she wanted, and she chose an SUV over a little sports car. As I stated earlier, women are passionate about their trucks and are sparing no expense accessorizing them. They are educating themselves about the latest and best accessory features offered. For instance, a woman purchasing a truck tonneau cover for her truck knows that this will make transporting anything at all, easier and safer and that putting the right cover on her truck will have an impact on how she uses it. So, the next time you see a fire engine red truck pass your way, take a look at the driver and you may very well find a woman behind the wheel!
It's summertime, the sun is out and we are feeling generous.We are giving away another chance to earn yourselfs a higher surf ratio all weekend. From today, through until Sunday, all bloggers can earn a 1.5 : 1 surf ratio.We feel this gives everyone a chance to earn the credits, so make sure you get surfing and get your blog seen!
There are several times a year when people start shopping around for a gym, if they haven't already joined one. Everyone wants to look good in a bathing suit and, although eating healthy is one way of getting fit, even a novice knows that you need to add exercise to any healthy lifestyle in order to get into the best shape possible. Some of the things you should look for when shopping for a gym is first, convenient location. If you have to drive more than ten minutes from your home, then what are the odds that you will be motivated to leave your house to work out? Find something that is reasonably close by so that you can't find another excuse not to work out. If you're a mom with young children, you might want to find out if there is babysitting on the premises. Many gyms now offer this service and knowing there's a safe place to drop off your kids is gives you one less reason to avoid exercising. Some other things you should look for is diversity. Make sure the gym you sign with has enough diverse programs to keep you from getting too bored with their programs. Boredom is just another excuse for avoiding exercise and if you can find a gym that offers different things, then chances are much more likely to go. When doing a quick search of San diego gyms, I found a great gym that offers a variety of programs like circuit training, kickboxing and personal trainers. With various locations, this would be a perfect place for anyone looking to get into shape and maybe even trying out new things. Finding a gym with diverse programs, which is conviently located and offering some personal training, will go a long way to helping you get and stay fit for the summer and all year long!
A few months back I decided to try to add another money-making component to my blogging by signing up with Blogative ( Basically, this service provides bloggers with the opportunity to get paid for posting about specific advertisers, while providing a link to the advertiser's website with a few choice highlights from their web release. This is a relatively easy way to make some extra cash from blogging. I've read lots of pros and cons about these services. Those for it, haven't had much luck with making money from affiliates and pay-per click text ads and since blogging is a source of income, this is a great way to make a few extra bucks while waiting for profits to add up from affiliates. Those against it, feel that bloggers become less than true to themselves while having to blog about advertisers just to make a few extra bucks. I really don't feel like I've sold out in any way. I still get to blog about what I want while making some extra money and I have the right to turn down an offer if I feel it's not right for me. Apparently, the idea that advertisers can pay bloggers to sell their products is catching on. Another such site has been written up in Business Week called Pay Per Post ( This is a similar service that allows bloggers to choose an advertiser from a list, blog about the advertiser according to their guidelines and get paid for it. The down side is that the advertiser has the right to refuse payment based on the contents of the post, but the blogger has the opportunity to correct the post in both cases (both Blogative and Pay Per Post will do this) so that they don't lose out on the opportunity to make some money. I'm ready to give Pay Per Post a try and I'll let you know how it works out. I really enjoy working with Blogative, so hopefully, this will be just as positive an experience.
I rarely write about anything really personal because this is not that kind of blog, but I'm prepared to do this now. I've been on a diet for almost one month now. I decided to follow a Weight Watchers' plan and have gotten some great help from friends who followed the same path. They've given me advice and tips on counting points and little tricks on how to stay on target. Because of their help I've lost about eight pounds now. I feel better already although I have about another eight to go to reach my goal of effortlessly zipping up my favorite jeans. What I've gained though is the knowledge of all the terrible mistakes I've made in fooling myself into thinking I was eating healthy......I wasn't. I totally had lost touch with the actual feeling of being hungry and feeling full after I'd finish a meal. I ate for all the wrong reasons...stress and boredom. I put no thought whatsoever into making healthy choices. No wonder my cholesterol had shot up so high. Why on earth was I so surprised? In the last month, I have carefully made choices, measured my portions and found myself not at all feeling deprived in any way. I defintely look better and feel a sense of accomplishment about myself that I haven't felt in a long time. Losing weight is not easy. It is increasingly more difficult as we age, with slower metabolisms and less energy and time for exercise (which I try to do at least four or five times a week). What I've learned thought is that nothing is impossible and that to accept the status quo was a very bad idea. I also learned that I can't do it for anyone else but me.....not my husband, my kids, society or for a special occasion. For more information about how to get started on your own personal journey, you can go to or try for great ideas and support.
Hey folks! Well, this is just a quick email to tell you about a special partnership we've struck with the folks over at to give you some free credits.Do what you do every day: Post an entry on your blog. To earn credits, simply write about Don't worry, they don't want you to praise them uncritically: You are welcome to criticize them - and they'll still give you credits! To get all the details, go to this special URL:
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