Should Old Acquaintence Be Forgot.....

Your number one stop for beauty and blogging tips, all in one fabulous blog!
This will be the last newsletter of 2006 from the BlogAdvance team and we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a very safe and happy new year!!
I recently was lucky enough to receive an invitation to be a guide on ChaCha. This unique search site, uses real live people to help refine searches for people and they get paid to do it. It's not only interesting, it's fun! I just got started yesterday and I am totally hooked on this already. It's fun to do and best of all, I can begin earning money doing it. You can check it out for yourself at ChaCha .
Regardless of whether you own a small or large company, chances are you have a website. Most companies maintain a website to keep their customers apprised of their services and marketing their services to perspective new customers. However, the internet competition is fierce. Whether you own a large or small company, you need to think of ways to optimize your website's visibility. The way to do that is to somehow get your website a high enough ranking so that it will earn more views. More views will eventually translate into more business. So how does one go about doing this? One way is to utilize a service called USWeb . What USWeb does is help optimize your website's visibility so that it will draw more customers. With 70-80% of web customers using search engines to find information, it's important that you can find a service to get your website noticed over others. USWeb can do this for you. Originally founded in 1995, USWEB has offices across the country and have been helping their clients achieve revenue, profit, marketing and customer loyalty objectives through their unique internet strategies and systems. They can help you identify your target audience in a cost effective way that will improve your brand awareness, audience development and, most importantly, your customer retention. So, no matter how stylized your website and/or your services are, USWeb can help design an internet marketing strategy just for you.
While you are pondering which diet you will begin January 2nd, 2007 to lose those ten pounds you gained since Thanksgiving, here are some tips to help you look ten pounds slimmer instantly:
Lots of people will make resolutions this coming weekend to improve their lives in many ways, but how many people resolve to have a healthier smile? Besides the fact that an unhealthy mouth can lead to many other health problems, an unhealthy smile can add years to your face and make you look older than you really are. Today, most people over the age of 40 are concerned with aging well and it has to begin with your dental care. Probably many of you don't even have a regular dentist and wouldn't know where to begin looking for one. Try to find someone in your area that is reputable and within a reasonable distance from your home because if you have to travel to great lengths to get there, you probably won't go. If you live in the area of Alexandria, Virginia, you can go visit Charles Brown dds pc who is part of the staff of Hayfield Dental Care. He has been at this dental practice for over ten years and is capable of performing a wide range of dental and surgical procedures to help you in your quest for a healthier smile. When he attended dental school, he was awarded the distinction of being ranked first in his class and has zero complaints since the beginning of his dental career. In fact, all of the dentists at Hayfield Dental Care have received advanced or special training which means most procedures can be performed right in their offices without having to be referred to another dental specialist. When you are looking for a dentist, these are just the kinds of things you want to keep in mind to make your journey to a healthier smile that much easier on you. When you are done, you have the satisfaction of knowing you have a healthy mouth and a beautiful new smile!
If you are a person who loves challenging internet games, then check out Endway . Not only is this a fun and very addicting game, but the winner can get a $100 prize. Not a bad pay off just for having some fun. The object of the game is to dodge other players. If you can reach the top, then you have a chance to win the prize. Even if you don't win, you get to play a game that is exciting and challenging!
There's an old song called "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve", which basically is about how lonely it can be on the one day of the year when you are supposed to not be alone. Yet, there are many people out there that are not only alone New Year's Eve, but the other 364 days of the year as well. I know how difficult it is to meet someone (I was single once myself), but the internet has made it fairly easy to meet people since legitimate dating sites pre-screen for you to help you find your perfect match. The only problem is their free trial periods block out important information to help you connect to others. What choice do you have, but to purchase a membership to something that has no guarantee that you will meet. Now, there is a very cool website called Just Say Hi which is completely free with no strings attached and no hidden fees. The other great thing about this site is that it takes less than 60 seconds to join up and meet other singles in your area. The site won't cost you any money and very little time. If you start right not, you might actually be able to answer the question to the song "What Are You Doing New Year's Eve", by saying "I've got a date!".
Message from BlogAdvance
I was going to post about something else today, but Blogger has given so much aggrevation today that I just need to vent. If you are a blogger who uses Blogger as your blogging domain, then I may not be alone in my frustrations. As you may know Blogger began a beta phase a while back which many bloggers took advantage of. I am still blogging on the old format because the word beta just screams "under construction". I've worked long and hard on my blogs and I don't want to risk losing everything I have worked for over the last year because of glitches in their system. I've heard enough horror stories of blogs that were lost in the change over. Now, it looks like we may not have a choice since Blogger's beta phase has apparently been completed. Because of the change over, the first thing I noticed was that I was unable to sign in to Blogger up until now. The sign in page was re-directing me to a blank page. Finallly, I was able to get in through my laptop, but this does not solve the problem of switching over to the new format. I'm so afraid of losing the work I have created that it has created a "sink or swim" impact on myself and others. If I sound like I'm whining too much, it's because I am. This is the first time I've ever whined about it and it may not be the last. To be continued.....
Problogger has another writing challenge which has some very nice prizes attached. If you enjoy writing, then definitely get involved in this one. Even if you don't get a prize, it will challenge you to write something different and unique and you can garner some nice traffic for your blog. For more information, just click
Recently, I wrote a post about my dream vacation of traveling to Italy. Now, more than ever, I have an incentive to book. The reason is that Hotel is offering up to a $100 rebate for vacations you book through them. You can get $20, $30 or even $100 back, depending on how many days you book with them. This website is incredibly easy to navigate for either hotels, air transporation or car rentals and much more (even cruises!). Furthermore, this website guarantees the lowest rates on the internet for all your vacation needs. This might not be a bad gift for your sweetie, if you haven't already gotten one and make someone else's dreams come true while you are saving yourself some money and getting back a rebate too!
Every year around the holidays, many of us are left wondering who to tip and how much. If you are like me, then you are not alone. The topic was brought up recently on Rachel Ray's talk show. Remember Bill from 'The Apprentice'? He came on and gave everyone some ideas on who to tip and how much. The first and most baffling one is your mail carrier. Government workers aren't supposed to accept monetary gifts from postal customers. They can, however, accept gifts worth up to $20. So, if you want to give your mail carrier a gift card, that's fine. What about your daycare provider? Many working moms are probably wondering what to give. Depending on how much time your child or children spend in daycare, it is suggested that you give between $25 and $75 with a small gift from each of your children. The gift can be a small giftcard, scented candle, hand cream, but try to make it personal for them. Of course you will want to tip your hair stylist too. If it will be a monetary gift, then make sure you place it in a card with a personal message. This goes for anyone who you would normally tip with money. The one person you definitely want to tip only with money is your doorman, but again, put the money inside a card with a personal message. For more information about tipping, you can go here .
My dream vacation is to take a trip to Italy without children. My days of traveling with kids has almost come to an end (this is one of the few joys of having teenagers). I want to go to Rome, Venice and Tuscany. The only thing is, I've never been to Italy and wouldn't even know where to begin. A tour is out for me since I like to pick and choose where and when I eat and what sites I want to visit. I found this great site called Hotel . From what I can tell after perusing this site, I can pretty much plan any trip I want for any part of the world, including my dream vacation to Italy. Don't let the name fool you though. This isn't just about hotel reservations. You can pretty much plan your whole vacation from start to finish and get great discounts in the process and who doesn't like to save money? So maybe I'm a little closer to my dream vacation than I thought I was.
It's amazing to me how many car commercials are on television this time of year. My husband said to me the other night, "Do people really buy cars for gifts?". The answer is absolutely they do. Most of those cars and trucks will be given to teens who just earned their license. Maybe mom and dad or grandma and grandpa want their loved ones to drive a safe vehicle fully equipped with airbags. Now is the time of year you want your loved ones to drive safely through out the year. With new cars or trucks will come the diligent search for an affordable car insurance estimate . One company worth checking out is GEICO. Beneath their savvy ad campaigns is a real desire to educate teens on safe driving habits. One brochure you can find on their online library of safe driving material was developed specifically for teens who drive trucks, aptly entitled "Teens and Trucks". This specifically targets safety rules for driving on the highway and how to drive safely in the presence of large trucks. It gives sage advice on changing lanes, avoiding unnecessary swerving and causing sudden stops. So, when you are doing your research, make sure you get more valuable information on this and other safety tips for your brand new driver.
Last year when I began blogging, it was after the holidays. This is the first year I've attempted to maintain two blogs in the midst of holiday madness. It seems like an impossible task to get one post out, let alone two. I think I've only missed two days of blogging since I began my blogging journey almost a year ago. So how does one stay afloat in a sea of bloggers during these crazy times? I haven't got a clue myself and the stress of the impending holidays is looming down upon me like a growing storm. So much for having a very merry Christmas. Since the cat has got my tongue, or in this case, my mouse, you can always log onto Blog Explosion to read some fabulous blogs, or click the Blog Explosion icon in my sidebar (I think it's still there). Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Last night my husband and I attended a financial aid seminar. Our son will begin college next year and we've been planning for a long time for this moment. In order to maximize his potential for a good education, we are endeavoring to educate ourselves about how to finance it without going too far into debt. The woman who conducted the seminar was a financial aid counselor at a local university. She said something that really readjusted my thinking. What she said was, it really doesn't matter where you go to school as long as you get a college education. Any college education will ensure you a better future with more financial stability. Of course, for many students, regardless of their age, physically going to school is impossible for one reason or another. This is where online learning can make an otherwise impossible dream come true. One such university that offers Bachelor degree programs in such areas as business, human services psycology and information technology is Capella University. This accredited online university, which was established in 1993 offers b oth undergraduate and graduate programs in over 76 areas of study and 16 certificate specializations to 16,000 students in 50 states and 63 countries. So, if a college education seemed like just a dream for you, perhaps earning an online degree can make your dreams come true for you.
Danny and Katherine Dreyer, authors of 'ChiWalking', have put together a holiday survival guide for walkers. It includes a daily walk (between 1 hr. and 45 minutes to 3 hrs.) which can burn up to 1,300 calories by the end of your first week (based on a 150 pound person). Outside walks and meditative walks (walking alone with no music) can be as little as 15 minutes at a time. The meditative walk is designed to help clear your head of all your holiday stress so that you can re-focus and organize yourself afterwards. Besides meditative walks and outside walks, there are also errand walks which include mall walking (feel free to shop while you're doing this) as well as grocery shopping or anything else that requires you to use your feet. Walking is still considered the number one exercise for getting in shape and all you need is a great pair of walking shoes. In fact, wear your walking shoes through out your day to remind you to keep moving so you can burn calories over the holidays and minimize weight gain from all those holiday treats.
How many of you will be getting or giving new luggage for the holidays? We all know someone (and maybe ourselves included)who love to travel the world, looking to meet new people, eat great food and experience the wonders of the world. When you do give that special someone their new luggage, include a card with this website called luggage online. What your wandering friends or family members will discover is a place where you can find new destinations they've never heard of and all the various tips to help them plan their trip. In fact, they can either save money here or find new ways to spend it if they choose. There seems to be some great information on planning a trip from start to finish with no detail left out. Now, when you give the gift of new luggage to your parents, children or best friends, you can be sure that they will use it well.
Last night I was having a conversation with my cousin Roberta. I told her that I had sent her some cute jokes and pictures through e-mail. She told me she didn't open them. Apparently, she (not her, her computer) got a virus because of these things that are passed around to hundreds of people, and, as a result, her computer caught a virus. Now there's a new website that looks like it could help in this regard simply by allowing you to plug in only the e-mail addresses you choose, and not the other nine hundred that are usually passed around with these kinds of e-mails. What's more, you can do some neat things with this site like plan family reunions or send out holiday greetings (but, please not those form letters that tells everyone how fabulous your life is when it really isn't!). It's fairly new and registration is free. There are also message boards and lots of other neat stuff to explore. I love these kinds of new sites that open up your world and essentially make life much easier. The site is called Social Mail and it looks easy to navigate and could be fun to use!
If you are like me and time is a precious commodity, then you will be doing most of your holiday shopping online. Below is a list of tried and true legitimate sites that offer great deals on fashion and beauty products. Don't forge to check out my other blog You're Not The Boss Of Me for some great safety tips for shopping online.
Are you stumped about what to get someone on your holiday gift list? Don't hesitate to make a donation in their name for a worthy cause. I work in a childrens' hospital and I have seen first hand, the miracles that the Make A Wish foundation have created for sick children. This is a wonderful organization that can take a child away from their illness, even if for a few moments in time, and transport them to a place of sheer joy and happiness. Even if you don't want to do this as a gift idea, do it because you will make some child somewhere overjoyed that their dream is coming true. If you have children yourself, it's a great way to teach them about the importance of giving to others who are either less fortunate or who have to spend Christmas holiday in a hospital room. Besides making someone else feel better, you won't believe how good it will make you feel and isn't that what this season is all about?
Here's a new message from Blog Advance. Remember, if you want more information or to join, just click the Blog Advance icon in my side bar:
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