It's Not Nice To Fool Mother Nature

Your number one stop for beauty and blogging tips, all in one fabulous blog!
When I first began my blog back in December of 2005, I never thought I would ever be involved in any site that would pay me to post. I didn't even know anything like that existed and believed that any money I made would come from click or affiliate ads. That seemed like a lifetime ago since I have learned so much about making money from blogging. True enough, there are bloggers who make six figures from their ads, but they are in the minority. Most bloggers don't make much at all from their ads and have to wait months to cash out. Then I discovered a site that promised to pay me if I included certain link in my post. I could write whatever I wanted, as long as I included the link. Later, they revised their qualifications to include a short reference to a web release, but still I was able to write anything I wanted. I not only have made money (three figures so far), but I became challenged as to build a post around that particular link. That site is known as Blogitive and I look forward every week to receiving offers from them. They pay in a timely manner and provide me with food for thought about my posts as well as a second income for me. Another site I signed up with is Blogging Ads, which is even easier, as they provide the option to write my own post using a link, or pick a choice of three ads, already written, to include in my blog, for which they pay me automatically once it is approved. It's true that I do have to wait for approval, but I've never had a problem getting my posts approved or receiving payment for them. I don't ever feel, at any time, I've compromised myself as a blogger by doing this. I know what my limits are and I wouldn't blog about a product I've never used, nor would I write something positive about a product that I used, but didn't really like. In that case, I would be selling out, but thankfully I've never had to deal with that issue and hope I never do.
Here is the link for this wonderful organization that raises money for the Denfense Fund of the Children of Dafur and to find a cure for autism, just to name a few. Take a look at some the great items you can bid on from last night's Emmy Awards. Clothes Off Our Backs
Just today, I read not one, but two articles about how marketers are turning to bloggers to hype products. Apparently, companies like Nokia are cutting back on flashy advertising and opting instead to investing their money in samples sent to bloggers to test and hawk in their blogs. These marketing strategies have come to pay off so much so, that websites have crashed because when one blogger writes, others will surely follow in their footsteps, giving way to way more exposure than any flashy, full-page ad in your Sunday newspaper could ever do. More and more companies are turning to niche bloggers to create a buzz about new products and technology companies have taken to hiring public relations firms that are targeting bloggers only to get the word out. Don't think that just because your blog is small with a small readership that you wouldn't be targeted. In fact, marketers are aiming towards smaller, niche blogs to create the buzz while bloggers get paid in merchandise, money and a surge in readership. Some bloggers feel that they are selling out by accepting offers from marketers as it will taint their honest opinions about products they wouldn't use or just don't care for, but as one marketer put it, even negative feedback can elevate a company's online presence just by sparking a debate. Apparently, engaging bloggers in a debate is still a great form of advertising. It just goes to show you that the age-old saying "as long as they spell the name correctly" still very much applies in the blogging world.
If you are looking to further utilize your blog to make more money for you, consider signing up with Bidveriser. By clicking on the button in my sidebar, you can sign up for Bidvertiser and add them to your blog. These click-for-pay adds will appear on your blog and start making you money right away. It's free to you and there's nothing else you need to do.
One of the most upscale places that has become a big draw for 30 something families is Barrington. In Barrington, New Castle residents make an average salary of $170,831.00 each year. This area provides young families with a choice of town houses, condos or single-family homes and has a personal crime risk index of 15.0 and only a 2.0% unemployment ratio. This sounds like an ideal neighborhood for anyone who is looking for a more upscale neighborhood, but I had to check out a Barrington real estate website in order to try and find out where Barrington is located. It seems that it is somewhere in the Chicago vicinity. So, if you are looking to relocate to this area of the country, this looks like a place you might just want to check out.
Remember years ago when the night before the big day of your wedding, both families would gather for the rehearsal and then a dinner afterwards? Those stuffy, sit-down dinners have become a thing of the past. In order to take the bridezilla out of the bride, how about doing something fun and different to alleviate the stress the night before? Some couples are opting for fun themes like backyard BBQ parties where everyone has to bring something to share from wine and beer to potato salad and baked beans. You can decorate the yard with red-and-white checked tablecloths and pretty lanterns and anti-mosquito candles. You can even give out favors like personalized ketchup and mustard bottles or "kiss the chef" aprons. If the weather is too cold for an outdoor party, how about an Asian-themed party in a Chinese, Japanese or Thai restaurant? You can make origami centerpieces or have fresh, fragrant lotus blossoms or candles for each table and give away personalized fortune cookies or disposable wedding cameras as favors so your guests can capture your most precious moments on camera for them to enjoy forever. What better give can you give your loved ones than memories?
While on vacation in North Carolina this summer, I couldn't help but notice how many people drive trucks and vans. I'm not just talking about the typical family mini-van (we have one of those too), but large trucks and vans. More surprisingly, is that this is the choice of women. The popularity in trucks that appeal to both men and women has given rise to the various number of models of trucks you can choose from. Years ago this was not the case. Trucks were very basic compared to today where trucks are available that can seat a whole family comfortably. Many of these trucks are decked out to the nines with van racks and other accessories. There are actually websites where you can just provide the make and model of your van or truck and they will ship the products to you that are appropriate for your vehicle. Whether you need products for the interior or exterior or for towing your trailer or boat, it's available online. Van racks are probably the most popular though since it makes vacationing with a family of four so much easier for storing everything you must take with you.
It seems like every week, I find out that someone from my neighborhood is moving. They're not just moving to another neighborhood nearby. They're moving out of state because of the high cost of living here in New York. Our taxes our off the charts, along with our home prices and gasoline and home heating oil prices. One of the most popular places to relocate is Orlando, Florida. Orlando is best known for its tourism. It welcomes more visitors each year than the population of California (over 43.3 million people). Most of them stay in one of the 100,000 hotel rooms available and visit the seven major theme parks in the area. In fact, many of the people that move to Florida get involved in the tourism industry, because the tourism industry in Orlando is worth billions of dollars. Beyond the employment opportunities, Orlando can provide a wide range of living opportunities from the city to the suburbs; from brand new homes still being built to historic neighborhoods. So while you may think of a Vacation home Orlando to get away to, instead think of Orlando as a place where you can escape to permanently for a better life overall.
It's hard to believe that we are coming upon the fifth anniversary of September 11th. It only seems like yesterday that our televisions were filled with images of the towers tumbling down and the looks of despair in the faces of those who were desperately searching for their loved ones. Out of that tragedy, the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund was created for those who lost loved ones in the attack. In order to maximize the compensation for the families of the victims, contingency fees by attorneys representing families were disfavored. One law firm, Simmons, Jannace & Stagg, was asked by a widow of one of the victims to represent her in a case whereby an attorney who represented her before the Victims Compensation Fund, was seeking a contingency fee of $2,000,000. As a result of her representation by this law firm, the Federal Court decided that it was not in their jurisdiction to preside over such a case and the case was then remanded to the state courts to be litigated. This is just one of the many thousands of stories that came out of that fateful day almost five years ago.
Wouldn't it be great if there were a better search engine than what's available now? You may think that what's available is the best yet, but you would be wrong. There's more coming that will optimize your search in the future so that you don't have to weed through pages and pages of information that you don't need or want, wasting your precious time. Recently, Google began beta testing their accessible web search for the visually challenged. Accessible Search, which is now available on Google's experimental software, uses Google's standard PageRank and goes an additional step by evaluating the usability of each web page it displays. In other words, this advanced search will give you the ability to access information that is more widely useful to you. One search engine marketing firm went ahead and did their own study of this advanced search engine and found that the results were significantly better on Google Accessible Search, but you don't have to take their word for it as you can try it yourself. One thing you will find interesting, especially if you are a blogger, is that with this new advanced search engine, blogs will rank much higher, which will be a great thing for all of us bloggers. As far as I'm concerned, the future of this optimized search engine can't come soon enough!
I love shopping at home. QVC, HSN and Ebay are all my favorites, but I only just discovered Yahoo Shopping. Once you enter in the item(s) you are searching for, Yahoo will take you to every nook and cranny in the world to find the best deals for you. For instance, I searched "skinny jeans", the newest craze in jeans, and I was taken to ten pages of sites were I can buy them from $19.99 to over $275. This is a great way to do your holiday shopping or school shopping, if you haven't already started it (like me!).
Once again I am posting because I have no idea when I will get to my blog while I'm away. This is for all of you who are dieting. I'm on Weight Watchers and I love the plan I switched to (originally on flex points and now on the core plan). So far, I've lost eleven pounds, but I've hit something of a plateau the last two weeks, which is expected. Having to weigh myself every week and not seeing the scale budge much is frustrating. I was watching the new reality TV show, "Work Out" on Bravo the other night and the head trainer, Jackie, told one of her clients that the scale is really insignificant. You will lose fat, but also gain muscle mass when exercising regularly so the real test is in how your jeans fit. If you are no longer struggling to get into them and they now glide on and feel slightly loose, then whatever you are doing is definitely working. I had that moment tonight as I prepared to go out for dinner with my family. My favorite jeans were snug on me from the day I got them, but I refused to go above the size 8 I had become accustomed to. Tonight the zipper went up effortlessly and they still felt somewhat loose on me after I ate dinner. So, if your scale isn't moving much, even though you are working out and eating healthy, don't's all in the jeans!
I am writing several posts today because I am leaving for vacation and I don't know when I will be able to post again. I do have a laptop, but I have to share it with three other people meaning my blog doesnt' take priority, while downloading music does. Today, I received one of those chain e-mails that asks you to forward it to everyone you know. This one was about the nation of Islam and the truth behind it. It featured several photos of Muslims demonstrating against the raid on Lebanon by Israel, which was a reaction to the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers by the terrorist group, Hezbollah. I found this to be ironic inasmuch as terrorism works on many different levels. There is the obvious one, highlighted by the raid yesterday in England, which caused the cancellations of many flights out of and into Heathrow airport. Then there is the other kind which is pyschological. This one begins in the form of an e-mail like the one I got, which is supposed to strike fear and hate into the hearts of those who received it, thus dividing us even further and making us more vulnerable to futher terrorism. This is exactly what the terrorists of the world want and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if this chain was actually begun by a terrorist, knowing full well the reaction it would get from many readers. Things taken out of context like this are considered propaganda in my book, much like that which was used during Nazi Germany. We must not give in to this fear, otherwise they (the terrorists) win and we lose. I will always support the war on terrorism. I have personally seen what it can do to people. I will never support the further spreading of fear and hatred. As far as I'm concerned, it is just another link in the vicious cycle.
When a survey was done regarding which part of the body people wanted to change, most answered their belly. Belly fat is the biggest complaint of most people, even those who diet and exercise. So what causes all the fat to gravitate to that one area and what can you do to eliminate it? Barring genetics which could pre-determine what shape you have (are you a pear shape or apple shape), other factors play an enormous role in burgeoning bellies. First of all is your diet. What are you eating? If you enjoy processed foods like snack cakes, cookies, chips and crackers that have loads of trans fats, then this may be a major culprit. Always check the nutritional ingredients for everything you buy and look for snack that have no trans fats (if you must have them). Try the 100 calorie bags of snacks instead which keep the fat low as well as your portion size (another major factor). At meal time, eat whole grain foods, vegetables and fruits and lean protein. Also, avoid caffeine as much as possible and carbonated drinks (especially those with sugar). Drink plenty of water, get plenty of sleep (insomnia leads to snacking) and try to avoid stress. Stress causes the release of hormones which induce cravings for carbohydrates. Instead, take a yoga class or walk every day. Finally, you can do abdominal exercises on a daily basis, but always check with your doctor before you begin an exercise program and make sure you are doing your abdominal exercises correctly otherwise you will cause undue stress and strain which will lead to injury. Pilates is a great way to strengthen your core muscles (abs, obliques and back muscles). Do the best you can to get rid of as much as you can. It will not only make you look and feel better, but the less belly fat you have, the less likely you will have a heart attack or become diabetic later on in life.
I will be leaving for vacation with my family in a few days and I am very much looking forward to it. This will be a driving vacation, which is a good thing considering the news of the day! We rented a home on the outer banks of North Carolina, but I am looking forward to driving through various states to get there. Even though I know it's only for one week, my ultimate goal in life is to have a second home somewhere else which we can use for an escape from all the stress of every day life here at home. We will be passing through Maryland which is one state that has so much to offer in terms of urban and suburban life, including museums, theatre, historic landmarks and, of course, great restaurants. I could picture myself contacting a Baltimore Real Estate company to get information on an apartment just outside of Baltimore City, like Briarcliff Apartments, which offers superb amenities, like valet trash service (who wouldn't want that?) and an olympic-size swimming pool, a fitness facility and tennis courts. Sounds great for anyone who is looking to re-locate or for anyone who just wants a place to escape to when life gets too stressful.
I got this message from a friend. This is valuable information and deserves to be passed on to everyone:
I just came back from a consultation with my physician and I am just trying to wrap my brain around the news she shared. Thankfully, it's nothing terribly serious, but it's mind-boggling just the same. I had a bone scan several weeks ago. I admit I put it off for over a year, but I finally broke down after considerable nagging from my physician. I always assumed that I had very healthy, normal bones. I eat properly, take Calcium with vitamin D and do weight-bearing exercises on a regular basis. Furthermore, there is little osteoperosis in my family. My own mother has some minor bone loss, but she's 84. I'm over 30 years younger than her and my bone scan sold considerable loss in my hips and lumbar spine. Considering that I've been taking all the precautionary measures all along, my doctor suggested trying a medication to prevent further loss and hopefully even turn things around. She went over all the various medications and suggested I try Actonel. The form she gave me is taken once a week. I've always tried to avoid taking any medication by doing any and everything natural possible. Sometimes though, that's not enough. When my cholesteroal was a whopping 284, I was able to lower it myself by 40 points with diet and exercise, but if wasn't enough. I finally caved in and started taking a cholesterol medication and now my cholesterol is under 200. There are always side effects to any medication, but sometimes we have to let science take over when every other practical resources has been exhausted. One thing I have learned is to take the test (any test) when the doctor says so. Putting anything off may just lead to further complications that can alter or even end your life. So whatever you do, take care of yourself!
Not too long ago a good friend of mine told me his daughter was scheduled to have her nose reconstructed. I knew that this had been something that had been bothering her for quite some time. Now, she was in her early twenties and wanted to remove the bump in her nose that she felt detracted from the rest of her features. The plastic surgeon did a wonderful job, keeping the integrity of her nose, while removing the bump which truly did make a difference in her appearance. It wasn't a huge difference, but enough to boost her self esteem. Because of several reality shows that featured make-overs that included plastic surgery, this is no longer considered a luxury item, but a necessity for many who want to fix what they don't like about their features. This includes anything from from rhinoplasty, which is what my friend's daughter had done, to liposuction, breast augmentation, full or partial facelifts or eyelid surgery. Most stars could call any Los Angeles plastic surgeon and be treated like VIPs, but the truth is now anyone can do that. Today, patients don't have to go to institutional-style surgery performed inside a big-box medical facility. All patients from celebrities to every-day people can receive world-class service at competitive prices in an environment that befits plastic surgery's gowing mass appeal. Also, many plastic surgeons offer financing so there's no reason to put something on hold just because of money. Why be unhappy with how you look, when you can fix it if you don't like it?
Some of you might laugh at the fact that there are only 141 days until Christmas, while others have already tucked away presents probably back in June. One thing I have learned about the holidays that in order to avoid the expected stress that comes along with the holiday season, is to give myself plenty of time to shop, taking advantage of sales and pacing myself so I don't have a panic attack the week before the holidays begin. I often take advantage of shopping online these days because the convenience is well worth the effort, once you find websites that carry just the right gift for all the people on your list. Actually, there is absolutely no downside that I've ever experienced. What could be easier than shopping in your pajamas and not having to waste gas running around town trying to comparison shop when you can do it online. It's really amazing when you know the history behind this holiday and how it evolved from one where loved ones would leave nuts, apples and sweets in shoes left bedside or on windowsills or before the hearth. Eventually, the tradition of exchanging gifts migrated from Europe to America where Bishop Nicholas eventually morphed into jolly St. Nicholas. The jolly man in the red suit got a real great boost in his image with the publishing of a poem in 1823 entitled "A Visit from St. Nicholas", now known as "The Night Before Christmas". So, while you are trying to beat the heat by sitting as close to your air conditioner as humanly possible, why not begin making a list of christmas gifts for all your loved ones. You may save yourself some money by starting now, not to mention your sanity!
We care for the health of our members, so from Friday through to Sunday, we will set the surf ratio to 1.5 :1 for ALL members.
I did not enjoy "free love". Those people came before me with the birth control pill. They also didn't know about things like AIDS or HPV. Eventually, they learned that "free love" comes with a pricetag when AIDS was first discovered. Now they found out that even condoms can't protect you from all sexuallty transmitted diseases. There are probably over a 100 different strains of HPV, which also include the strains that cause genital warts. Although it is probably passed around sexually, there are other ways to pass it around, but doctors don't have all the answers. They've only learned recently that certain strains of this virus are directly related to cervical cancer. Literally, thousands of people are infected and never know it because most strains of this virus show absolutely no symptoms. You can be walking around with it for years and never know it and, furthermore, there's no test for men. Women should ask their doctors about being tested, especially if they are sexually active. Knowing you've been infected, means getting regular PAP smears, because like breast cancer, cervical cancer is completely curable, if it's caught in the early stages. So, make sure you talk to your doctor and get yourself tested along with your PAP smear. The life you save may be your own.
These days it's hard to find good customer service anywhere. So when it comes to purchasing something as crucial as materials for my next trade show exhibit, I always go back to ExhibitDEAL. I know they've got everything I need for my trade show displays at a decent price. And no matter what my budget is, I'm treated with VIP-level respect and customer service that's unmatched in the industry.
I was going to post about something else, but truthfully, the heat in our region has taken priority over anything else I could possibly want to discuss. This morning I awoke to the sounds of silence. No fan whirring, no air conditioner humming....nothing! It was very early, somewhere between night and day and it was totally creepy. Of course, I couldn't fall back asleep and I was just lying there wondering, "how long??". Thankfully, the power came on just as I was trying to set into motion a plan of strategy, should I be left with no power at all for the day (cold shower, cold get the picture). Still, the cable was out even after the power returned so no TV to see what was going on in the rest of the world and no computer. I prepared for work at the hospital where I volunteer and when I arrived at the hospital and moved through the halls, I noticed the corridors were closed off. My first thought was there was a fire alarm drill (we have this regularly to keep us on our toes), but then I realized that there were no lights and no air conditioning in certain areas and elevators were being used sparingly. We have been put on a power alert. Hopefully, we will have some relief within the next 24 hours. In the meantime, whereever you are, stay cool and drink plenty of fluids!
The number of products that you can plug in to your USB port is growing on a daily basis. While Japan leads the way for such products, which include an air-conditioned shirt (we could use one of those right about now), America is not far behind. For around $22 you an purchase hand warmers (you won't be needing these for a few more months). These wool gloves actually heat up within minutes after being plugged into your computer, and will allow you to continue typing, even if you are in a meat locker. They are available for both Mac or PC at At you can purchase a Computer-on-a-stick, which will plug into your other computer, allowing you to multi-task. How about a mini desktop aquarium? Yes, you can get one to plug into your computer. All you need to do is add water and, voila, you have a neat, little aquarium with life-like fish and a high density blue LED light for night-time enjoyment, only available at Also available at is a fragrance oil burner and at, you can get a beverage warmer/chiller. How about a paper shredder and letter opener, which you can get at or a fan-light combo from If that's not enough, at, you can get a mini missile launcher to annoy your co-workers with. Many of these items, remarkably, sell for under $50 and, in fact, some sell for under $20. Pretty soon, you'll never have to leave your computer.....not even to go to the bathroom!
When it comes to your health, whether you are male or female, it is important to educate yourself and be your own best advocate. When it comes to cancer, for instance, we now know that too much exposure to the sun, without appropriate protection, can lead to the development of skin cancer. We also know that smoking or being over exposed to cigarette smoke over long periods of time may also lead to the development of lung cancer. Recently, there was a connection discovered between the HPV disease and the development of cervical cancer. Knowledge is power and having this information will help you communicate better with your physician should you have any concerns. Another type of cancer known as mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos over a period of time. Symptoms of malignant mesothelioma are due to tumour growth resulting in invasion of surrounding structures and/or the production of fluid. Chest pain may be caused by invasion of the chest wall. Approximately 8 million Americans may have been exposed through various jobs, such as miners, ship builders, factory and railroad workers, mechanics and construction workers. Others may have been exposed if they had served in the Navy as asbestos has been found on ships. Also, frighteningly, asbestos is still found in over 10% of our schools. If you are or were a smoker, you may be at even a greater risk. The most important thing to do is educate yourself and know all your options, both medically and legally, so you get the best care possible.
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