Sixties Songs Are a Nice Treat For Halloween

Your number one stop for beauty and blogging tips, all in one fabulous blog!
Here's the latest message from blog surfing site, Blog Advance. You can sign up with them by clicking on the icon in my sidebar.
Every once in a while, bloggers try different things to draw readers to their blogs and/or websites. One fellow blogger, had an idea to have a comment contest. The person who left the most original comment, got an honorable mention in your blog. She drew hundreds of readers who, in turn, left hundreds of comments and the winner, also received many hits to her blog. If you want to try to increase quality traffic (the keyword being "quality"), you might want to try doing something like this. Try participating in a few of these contests yourself to see how it works and if it is something you yourself would be willing to try. Here's a fun one I found at Title Trakk . Be the first to find the railroad spike and win a great prize.
I recentlty lost about 18 pounds on Weight Watchers. I only have two pounds left to go to get back to where I once was and wearing a size 8 easily. At first, I was incredulous that I had gained so much, but looking back at my eating habits, I can see how it happened. Adding more to my portions and mindless snacking late at night might have only added another couple of hundred calories, but over a couple of years, those calories added up to pounds I needed to lose. What I learned to do was reduce my portions. One thing I no longer do, at least while I'm dieting, is giving in to impulse buying of over-sized portions either in restaurants or discount stores that offer great deals on huge size products. I also used a smaller plate when I ate my meals to remind me to keep my portions small. As for snacks, I keep healthy alternatives to the crunchy, salty chips I loved so much like 94% fat-free microwave popcorn, which now comes in 100 calorie bags. Fresh fruit and vegetables make a great snack too, especially after I cut them up and store them in reusable containers. I keep fat-free dressing and low-fat peanut butter on hand too. Over the summer I bought the fat-free icepops and now I make the fat-free, sugar-free pudding which is great with fat-free coolwhip. I may never be able to completely free myself of my eating habits, which were ingrained at a very early age (who can't relate to that?), but I can change what I eat to keep my weight where it should be and improve my quality of life. I have way more energy and actually enjoy exercising (okay, maybe I don't love it, but it's a lot easier after losing 18 pounds). If you want to read a great book on how to alter your eating habits, get a copy of "Mindless Eating: Why We Eat More Than We Think" by Brian Wansink.
I've written on this topic before for you, but it cannot be stressed enough that there are ways to earn money from your blog. One way that is becoming increasingly popular, is to post about or for an advertiser. Companies are beginning to see a great deal of validity in paying bloggers to write a post either about their company or, write a post that isn't necessarily about the company, but has the company's name appear in the post. You can make anywhere from a few dollars up to around $20 for this type of posting and you can be paid either immediately or wait up to 30 days depending on the site that will be compensating you. One thing you must do for any of these sites is open up a Pay Pal account so you can easily be paid for the posts you write for these advertisers. The other thing you also must do is read each site's guidelines carefully so that when you submit your post for review, it will be accepted without revisions having to be made. Some of the sites that are paying bloggers to post are Blogitive , Blogging Ads , Blogvertise , Pay Per Post , and Creamaid . Again, it's important to read their guidelines carefully in order to gain any success with these sites. Although you can earn a nice second income, I don't believe you can actually survive on the money you make and there's very little consistency with most of these sites, except for Pay Per Post, which seems to consistently have offers for their members. If you enjoy writing and have an expertise in one or more areas, you can try writing posts for Associated Content . As blogging becomes more valid in its popularity, you will begin to see more and more of these sites come about. How successful they will be in the long run though still remains to be seen since all of these sites are still in their infancy.
One of the most meaningful gifts you can give someone or yourself is diamond jewelry. It really is a gift that lasts forever and is very often passed down from generation to generation. However, too many times people make the mistake of impulse buying when it comes to fine jewelry like diamonds. Never do this! This is the kind of purchase that takes a great deal of thought. Also, go to a diamond jewelry store where the sales associates will take the time to get to know you personally. This will enable them to help you make the best choice for you or that special someone. Afterall, your personality is a major part of who you are and your diamond jewelry should reflect that.
Maybe you don't recognize her name, but if you watch "Dancing With The Stars" then you would definitely recognize Cheryl Burke, one of the professional dance partners, who is paired this season with Emmit Smith and was the dance partner of last season's winner, Drew Lachey. You can read a quick interview with her here .
A few years back Bravo, the cable network, recognized the need for programming aimed at the gay population for various reasons. First, it drew a targeted audience in terms of marketing. Advertisers saw the huge potential and from that came the need for a network just for gay people and Logo was born. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, Logo doesn't just cater to the gay population, but it actually draws a very strong female (straight) audience with its diverse programming which includes brand new productions like "Noah's Ark" aimed at the gay African American population, but a new reality show called "Jacob and Joshua: Nemisis Rising" about identical twin brothers longing to make it big in the music business while grappling with coming out to their parents who also happen to be Jehovah's Witnesses. There are also re-runs of "Queer as Folk" along with music videos and movies. The network has become so popular though, there are sure to be more original series. You can check out all their programming at Logo.
Once again we have decided to increase the surf ratio for this weekend to 1.5:1 every blog you surf. It seems the weekends are our busiest times, so we have decided to make it even more busy by giving you all something extra to surf for.
When I think of Halloween, my first thought doesn't automatically go to all the little trick-or-treaters who come knocking for candy to fill their bags and plastic pumpkins. Halloween is also a time for good friends (grown-ups) to get together for a party. We have done this in my neighborhood for a few years and the houses rotate from year to year. It's a pot luck dinner with everyone pitching in and helping out with food like chili, cornbread, homemade pizza and pasta dishes. For dessert, there are lots of treats with some grown-up ones like wine and beer. No one is driving because everyone lives within walking distance. It's a great time for neighbors to kickback and relax. That's how I like to spend Halloween. Thanks to Theresa at WAHM Blog for giving us moms some great ideas for blog posts.
There's always so much talk in the news about how bad the internet has gotten. There is always a story that involves some evil that erupted through the use of the internet. However, the internet is used for many wonderful things as well and, without it, many people would have to wait possibly days for important information, which is now right at their fingertips with the internet. For instance, perhaps you need information regarding a specific medication like Diovan. Where could you go for the most up-to-date information regarding a drug, without the use of the internet? One company, called Epocrates Online, offers a service to clinicians that provides them with the most cutting edge information about this and any other medication, including dosing, pricing and more importantly, potential drug interactions as well as Medicare Part D information. By using this service, physicians and other clinicians can focus their attention on their patients rather than research which might take hours to find. So the internet can be a wonderful tool for people and that's always good news.
There are many parts of the country that I have yet to see, let alone move to, but the midwest has increasingly become a popular destination for those on the move. One Joliet Real Estate company reports that the Northeastern region of Illinois, known as the Chicago land market, is made up of seven counties that consist of approximately 211 towns and 77 individual neighborhoods of the City of Chicago. If you are considering moving to this area, it would be very important to find an experienced realator who can give you the most up-to-date information regarding the general population, school systems, mass transportation, houses of worship and cultural areas of interest like theatres as well as shopping areas. By doing this, you take away much of the stress that could come along with relocating to another area of the country that is unfamiliar and keep the excitement in the endless possibilities that come along with exploring new territory.
Marketing a business can take you down many roads. You can always advertise with print ads in local newspapers or pay to have your business' name printed on t-shirts, pens and calendars, but the internet has opened up many new avenues for businesses in terms of marketing opportunties. One way is, of course, through everyone's favorite search engine, Google. Not surprisingly, there can be a local marketing opportunity for your local business through Google if you know how to obtain a high ranking. One way is by investing in a Search Engine Optimization service. What these services do is provide you with the opportunity to give your local business the highest ranking, which is one investment that can pay you dividends over the long term.
I just want to thank my blogging friend, Tammara for inspiring me to write about the holiday shopping safety tips. You can get even more great tips to keep you safe on her blog Phishy-Pedia Guide .
The holiday shopping season is just around the corner and soon you will be running to the mall along with thousands of other people. Some of those people won't be there to shop though. Some will be there to extract from you, the money and credit cards you are carrying to buy gifts for your loved ones. Even the most well-meaning shopper can absent-mindedly not be paying attention to their surroundings and fall victim to a crime. I know because it's happened to me, not once, but twice. Two times I was too preoccupied to more carefully plan out a walking route to a busy shopping area and two times I had money and credit cards stolen from me. That's all it took and now I know what I should and shouldn't do while shopping. Here are some tips to help you stay safe:
There are lots of ways to make money from blogging and many of you already know some of the ways you can do that. One way that has worked very well for me is writing posts for advertisers through Blogitive . There are other sites that pay for your posts, but this one has been tried and true in terms of the consistency of both offers and payment. Some people are opposed to this type of method of making money, but I never write something that I can't stand behind. Besides, writing posts this way has proved to be challenging to me in terms of my creativity. You can sign up yourself for Blogitive and try it. It won't cost you anything and you might actually make some money in the long run. Also, Blogitive is in the process of updating their services which will eventually yeild more ways for bloggers to earn some money and we can all use some of that!
YouTube seemed like such a stupid idea initially. It was a place where anyone (mostly kids) would post their home movies for all their friends to see, but YouTube eventually starting showing a collection of copyrighted footage that could have garnered them so many lawsuits, they would have shut down and many predicted that would happen. However, co-founders Steven Chen and Chad Hurley made a point of cozying up to the major media executives and convinced them that allowing their copyrighted material to remain on YouTube would be a major marketing tool for them. As a result of their sweet talk, they formed partnerships with the likes of Universal Music Group, CBS Corp and Sony BMG Music Entertainment as well as Warner Music Group Inc. The partnership with the latter came on the heels of a threat to sue for copyright infringement and that was only less than one month ago. Enter Google, which reportedly purchased YouTube for 1.65 million dollars. For that price, YouTube can retain it's brand, remain in their headquarters in Bruno, California and keep all 67 of their employees including the co-founders. The deal is expected to close at the end of the year
I have a nineteen year old niece who is currently going to college and is majoring in software engineering. This is a highly specialized field and her hope is that when she graduates, she will find a great job with a software company developing new and specialized software. One such software company has developed customer profitability software which will enable companies to achieve their performance management objectives by providing the foundation for sound decision making. This is just one example of a software company that is focused on doing one thing. They are so focused on their mission that their customers will be able to see a vast improvement in their profitability by allowing their existing systems to be upgraded. It's amazing to me that such software exists, but what I have learned from my niece is that there is much to be gained from having such a specialty and a myriad of opportunities will be available to her in the future.
Something is happening on the runway that is causing a flap all over the fashion world. For the first time in the history of fashion, someone finally had the guts to put an end to the anorexic models that we have been so used to seeing year after year. It began in Europe when models were systematically eliminated from walking the runway just this past season because they were too thin for the catwalk. The message has been clearly that the thinner the better, but not any more. Models will have to stop starving themselves and designers will have to get over it very quickly. Clothes are meant to be shown on real women, not clothes hangers. One very famous designer, Gaultier, took things to the extreme as reported in the Sun by putting a model in his show who weighs over 300 pounds. Velvet, as she is known in the industry, very much intends to compete with her much thinner counterparts and prove that she is no joke. Gaultier informed the press that his reasoning for putting Velvet and another, much older, model in his current show is to prove that beauty comes in all forms. Let's just hope that this catches on here in the USA where, so far, there hasn't been any restrictions regarding weight. Designers, especially male designers, need to understand that the clothes they design shouldn't be for women who look like adolescent boys, but for real women with curves.
There is a great blogging site for work-at-home moms who use blogging as a source of income. The WAHM blog web not only brings blogging moms together, but provides them with an outlet for creativity as new subjects are introduced every week for blogging topics. Once you've written about a topic, you can link your blog with the WAHM blog, giving your blog more visibility which will increase your traffic and eventually may lead to more income. It's great ideas like these that make bloggers the new innovators in the world of technology.
It's hard to believe that in just a very short time (early December), my blog will be one year old. I never thought I would be able to sustain the blog in the beginning, nor learn all I needed to learn in order to keep my blog going, but I did it! Since I began my blog during the holiday season, I will celebrate not only the holidays, but my one year blogging anniversary with you. I've always shared great shopping ideas with you and I won't let you down this season. I'll scout out all the bargains and great websites for shopping without all the stress and, speaking of stress, I will write about how to give yourself a break every once in a while so you don't short circuit. I'll also share with you tips on how you can create great holiday looks for yourself and your home without spending a ton of money. My holiday survival guide will be my gift to you for allowing me to share my ideas and thoughts with you all year round.
Here are some tips from the beauty experts that you can do right in your own home and won't cost you anymore money than you are already spending. In fact, many of these tips will save you money.
If you read my blog regularly, then you can remember my post from last month about blogtipping. This was inspired by Business Blogwire and it's a great way to recognize your blogging friends by sharing their blogs with others, while pointing out their unique blogging qualities and sharing your blogging tips. Got that? Good! Now, here are three blogs I really like because 1) They are very informative. 2) They are well-written and 3) They are easy to read. These are qualities I look for in other blogs so go check out The Kid Within, Smart Olive, and It's Only Business. One of my favorite blogging tips is use your personal, every day experiences as a jumping off point for creating a blog post. By doing this, you never run out of topics and you will give your blog a personal touch.
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